• P-3/62, Deen Dayal Puram, Bareilly UP.
  • Email: service@kanwhizz.in
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About the Industry

Simply, direct marketing is a distribution system, or form of

Marketing, which channels goods or services from the manufacturer to the consumer through a "network" of independent distributors or Consultants. It's a wonderfully effective system that cuts out the "middleman" found in most industries.

Traditional marketing moves products from the manufacturer to wholesalers, warehousers, shippers, advertisers and retailers before ever reaching the consumer. In network marketing, all of these "middlemen," including the advertisers, are replaced with independent distributors who distribute the same products throughout their own network of consumers. This way, the large profit that would normally go to the wholesalers, warehousers, shippers, advertisers and retailers goes to the independent distributors and those who help train them.

Direct Marketing
Traditional Details

Leading traditional retailers are known to spend 25–30% of every sales on advertising, media and other promotions, while network marketing uses those same costs to reward individuals for "word-of-mouth" promotion. Because network marketing relies on developing and keeping trusted relationships, the product quality and service is often much higher than standard retail brands. After all, if you are going to personally recommend a product to a friend, you have to believe in it!


A challenging, yet rewarding career opportunity where your income is based on your effort. An easy, "get-rich-quick" scheme.
Big business that is helping people put their lives back in balance. A fad that everyone seems to be jumping into, only to be replaced with the next opportunity and promises of great wealth.
Personally empowering. In network marketing, you can work at your own pace and choose your own hours to achieve the rewards YOU are looking for. A cult where you live and breathe the products and the Company 24-hours-a-day.
A lucrative, home-based business opportunity with a recognized distribution system, legal in all states, with portions regulated by consumer protection groups. A pyramid or scam where a few people end up with loads of money and many, many more don't.